32-bit, 64-bit and proprietary nonsense with Epson V200Maybe you have noticed that some Linux® kernel developers (and users) frequently are angry about proprietary drivers for hardware. I will give you an example what can go wrong when hardware vendors only provide binary drivers. Consider the Epson Perfection V200 Photo USB scanner. This is a fine device that can scan photographs with up to 3200dpi resolution. It is supported under a GNU/Linux operating system, so all is fine. Or is it? We use many true 64-bit workstations that run Debian Etch for AMD64. "True 64-bit" means "we don't need 32-bit code any more". So let's connect the scanner with the USB port, fire up xsane and let's scan some photographs. If you try this you will find yourself in the following situation.
So how can you use the scanner? Simple (but unnecessary if Epson would care), you install a 32-bit Debian environment with the help of debootstrap. Then you download the RPMs of the iscan packages, convert them to .deb files with the tool alien and run the scanner tool from inside a chrooted environment. Proprietary software isn't as convenient to its customers as it seems. Make sure you give your money only to hardware vendors that respect your requirements.